It’s no coincidence; given
Triathlon is essentially a summer sport that the ‘off season’ occurs over the
colder and darker months. A time when people’s moods are often lower due
to lower levels of Vitamin D compounded by less daylight hours. Many people comment
that they lack motivation over this time. Indeed there is a ‘syndrome’
called P.I.S.S - Post Ironman Sadness Syndrome based on people training hard
for an event for many months culminating in a good or bad performance and then
that feeling of having to ‘start again’ for their next event.
Here are some tips or suggestions
for maintaining or even building motivation in the offseason.
Take a Break.
People in full time work are
given four weeks annual leave. Most companies will insist that you take
this. Annual leave gives you a chance to take a mental and physical break
from work and to (hopefully) come back refreshed. From the corporate world it
was not uncommon for people to resign after taking leave as the break allowed
them to “see the forest for the trees” in terms of motivation. So why not
take a break from training? This doesn’t necessarily mean doing nothing - there
is a difference between physical activity and training. Spend four weeks
not worrying about structure, not worrying about doing ‘x’ runs or swims a
week. If you wake up and it’s a nice day and you feel like going
for a ride then do it. If you feel like going for a walk or surf then do
it. If you feel like staying in bed and reading a book then do that. If
you feel like trying something new like Yoga or a dance class then give it a
try. The point is to avoid the pressure of structure and do what you feel
like. Four or six weeks isn’t going to massively impact your fitness especially
if you are doing some fun aerobic activities. I often say the best time to
start again is when you start to miss it - and then wait one more week..
Define your Motive.
This is something that you can
and should do during your break. One of my favorite quotes is “You can’t
have Motivation without Motive”. The suffix -ation means creating the action
of. Motivation is the action associated with YOUR motives. In other
words define YOUR reason for doing this. YOUR is highlighted because it needs
to be YOUR reason - not someone else’s. It may be something that might
sound silly, trivial or even narcissistic when said out loud but that doesn’t
“I do this because I love the
company of my friends"
“I do this because it provides an
“I do this because I want to
prove I can"
“I do this because my ex
partner/friend said I was too xxx to do this"
“I do this because I want to make
my friends jealous"
“I do this because I like to look
“I do this to set an example to
my children"
The key is the reasons have to be
your reasons. For me it is a desire to prove people wrong. To prove
unhealthy beliefs such as you can’t do endurance sports without sugary gels and
you can’t do well in triathlons without training 20+ hours a week wrong.
These may sound silly to some people but they are MY reasons.
Sit down with a pad and pen and
write down why you are doing this. What you may find is that the motive
no longer exists. For example if you wanted to prove to your couch potato
friends that you could do an Ironman - and you have done that - that the
motivation no longer exists. If that is the case, and a new motivation
that is important to you doesn’t exists then it may be worth acknowledging this
and not forcing yourself to continue. The key is to be very honest with
yourself as to why you are doing this and whether that reason still exists.
I use this in races too. When things get tough (and they will) or
things go wrong (and they do) then it is this ‘reason’ that keeps you pushing
on and remaining focused.
Set some short-term goals - and
link them.
I am not a fan of goals as they
often define limitations. Set a goal of going sub 11 hour in an ironman
and you may achieve it and finish in 10:59. Commit to every day going
harder, faster or heavier at the gym and you may do 10:30. But there is
no denying short terms goals help support motivation. Using the SMART systems
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) set a goal of, for example,
improving your Critical Power on the bike by at least 5% over the next 6 weeks.
THEN define and, more importantly, link your training sessions to this
goal. Weights, indoor trainer sets - even diet in terms of watts/kg can
be linked. Then understand that by NOT completing a session you are
directly impacting that goal. If you miss a session you compromise your
chances of succeeding. A more important way to think about it is that you
will fail. For many fear of failure is a more powerful motivator than success
Phone a Friend.
Having a training buddy is
important but triathletes are typically competitive people so recruiting a
frienpetitor is more valuable. Create a competition with a friend based
around either a short-term goal like the Critical Power or a race. Define
a wager to create more pressure. Then ask yourself, if you wake up and don’t
feel like doing something, whether your frienpetitor is out there doing it..
Many coaches will say that you
should enter off-season events. There are, for example, plenty of running
races during the triathlon off-season. Whilst these can be great ‘goals’
to use they don’t necessarily provide motivation especially if, for example,
you know you can cover the distance already. A focus on defining your
motive as the root of motivation and then creating some pressure (called
eustress) provides a far better impetus to be accountable and to get out of bed
when it is cold and dark.